Marketing Tips

7 Smart Goals For Accountants

Running your accountancy practice is one thing… but setting up Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound SMART goals for accountants to help grow your practice is another.

We have been helping accountants grow their practice for over 20 years and here are 7 of the best goals that you can aim for starting from now.

#1 Lead Acquisition Ascension.

All accountancy practices need leads to send to their BDM or sales team. By focussing on leads first and foremost, you will ensure that you are covering the most important aspect of your business – growth. Set clear goals for the number of leads that you need to create based on the number of people in your business development team, their conversion rate and your overall business objectives.

#2 Increase Your On-boarding Efficiency.

The digital era is here and you have no excuse not to have a detailed and documented on-boarding process thats starts with a lead from your website and lands up in your online accounting software of choice. Overall you should orchestrate a speedy on-boarding process to make sure that each client delivers the highest value ROI from lead acquisition to closure time to processing.

#3 Publish A Lead Generating, Google Friendly, Mobile Optimised Website.

As old hat as this sounds, if your website is not aiding goal number #1 and generating new regular leads for your sales team, combined with goal number #2: processing those leads into clients, then you are falling behind the game. In this day and age it is imperative to have a high converting website that supports your businesses growth. If it does not already then you need to fix it.

#4 Create A Cross Selling Campaign Plan.

Once a new client has been on-boarded and processed into the cloud, you need to have a solid plan in place to cross sell other services to increase your practice profits. Simply create a 12 month cross selling plan to make sure every client knows about each and every service you offer. To make this easy simply set up a 12 month drip email marketing campaign to all new customers and it can happen automatically. Sound confusing? Feel free to call us on 01392 247207

#5 Client Servicing System.

The days of sifting through a shoebox of receipts are long gone. You need to make sure that everyone of your clients is on the cloud and their books are automated so you can speed up the time it takes to service them. Use the extra time to speak to them regularly to offer financial advice and of course look for referral opportunities. Xero, Fresh books, Sage etc are all great choices but linked with the CRM and an email marketing system of choice provides you with a really fantastic engine for your practice.

#6 Making Tax Digital.

Some love it, some hate it, some fight it and some embrace it. The latter will be the firm of the future. MTD is going to happen and you need to prepare for it so you can onboard the remainder of your clients who are still using traditional bookkeeping. If you do not your competitors will. Simple goal here is to make sure to get everyone ready as soon as you can and make sure all clients (even if they are below the VAT threshold) are also set up for it.

#7 Hone Your Technical Skills.

Whilst accounting and best practices and procedures change so does the technology that can aid you. Make sure to stay on top of what’s happening and whats available. For a handy resource check out our practice technology  section for accountants.

If you need a hand to do any of the above do contact us today