Executive Insight

Meet Plus Accounting – the accountants that specialise in video game developers

By September 24, 2018 No Comments

Out of the hundreds of accountants that we talk to every month, very few seem to have a modern brand, a modern site and target modern sectors.

So when we stumbled across Plus Accounting via their Twitter profile and noticed that they were offering cloud accounting services to unique sectors such as video game developers, we couldn’t help but reach out to them to learn a little more. After closer inspection we touched based with Luke Thomas, Director of Plus Accounting, who is the specialist in this sector to ask him to tell us a little more about himself and Plus Accounting:

video-game-developer-accountantThis is what he said:

I have been working with game developers since 2011. The first video games company I acted for was The Chinese room Ltd  headed by Dan Pinchbeck and Jessica Curry. I have seen this studio grow from a start-up through to an established studio which was recently acquired by Sumo PLC.

In 2013, I was appointed by James Marsden and Kirsty Rigden as an accountant for their studio Futurlab Ltd. Since then, with the support of James, Kirsty, Dan and Jessica, I have grown this niche video games sector to approximately 40 video games development companies. I am keen to continue growing this niche sector and supporting my clients in what I believe is the one of the best industries the UK has to offer.

plus-accountingPlus Accounting provide a range of accounting and tax related services for our clients including all the usual services you would expect from a firm of Chartered Accountants. Where we are different is that we are experienced in and able to assist with applications to the British Film Institute (BFI) for cultural certification of games, Video Games Tax Relief (VGTR) claims and Research & Development (R&D) tax relief claims and audits of grant funding specifically for the gaming industry. To date we have helped our clients claim around a million pound in tax relief / repayments from HM Revenue & Customs.

Plus Accounting has a dedicated area on its website for the video games sector, which includes client testimonials, guides for game developers on a variety of tax and accounts topics such as funding your prototypes, starting a company, VGTR, VAT and many more.

Plus Accounting are proud members of UKIE, which is a fantastic trade body for the UK games industry. We offer a 10% first year discount on our fees for fellow members of UKIE that appoint Plus Accounting.

Final thought:

Clearly, if you are an avid video game developer and are looking for an online accountant to help manage your books, plus you are looking for tax relief or research and development relief then Plus Accounting are the clear accountants to choose.